Founding Principle

Written by Eu TravelIN. Posted in News

Among all the social networks or media that there are ...

But who still felt the need to create another one?

In truth, there is no social network where you can increase your purchasing power ...

With EuTravelIN the panorama of social media is completed!

EuTravelIN is the Community that expands the meaning of social media, bringing the possibility of increasing your purchasing power in with a very simple game. Playing is Fun!

The idea floated in the ether, it had to be grasped, while instead an urgent necessity led to think about the mechanism of prizes and the purchasing network.

Not long ago, a founding member melted down the car, and in order to buy another one he had the opportunity to bang his nose in a financial system that is not always available and light. Sometimes you have to know how to work out and think of valid alternatives, or not?

So between one loss of grip and another, after some time our friend still had to find a solution to buy the car. Although it seems that there are several available to buy and in parallel it seems that there are countless sellers ready to place them ...

Yes, I agree, some a little dated ... but then you find ... the one of your dreams ...

Who doesn't like it? Okay, everyone has their own tastes, the next point that comes up is to have the money. This is where the EuTravelIN social mechanism is born! As I use it, I accumulate points that can be used to buy the car. I find the seller, I invite him to the Community reserved for companies, when the conditions to accrue my points arise, I proceed with the purchase. EuTravelIN converts your accumulated points into purchasing power in the real world!

The mechanism is designed to make purchases of thousands of euros available each time, and if you want to register with the Community, the seller will give it to you as well!

We invite you to read the rules of our game! The car adventure is an example, if you want to change your smartphone, tablet or bicycle ... there is always EuTravelIN!

This is the page with all the types of subscription: sign up! With some limitations and exclusions we have also prepared a version with free access!

THANK YOU FOR SUPPORT! Help us to improve EuTravelIN!

